Friday, December 30, 2016

Home remedy for sex problem

 Sex is an important aspect in everyone’s life. And if you are in a relationship, it is one of the most significant things that can bind you and your partner. While many men do not have any problem having sex, there are a few who suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction. Here are some home remedies that can help turn those sexual problems:

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Known to have a number of health benefits, garlic is a great aphrodisiac that has no side-effects. This root, works as a tonic for people suffering from a lack of libido, or those who are unable to maintain an erection. According to research, garlic can help relieve sexual debility due to a number of causes like exhaustion, lack of libido and even that caused due to sexual overindulgence.See more secret result
How to use it: Crush two or three cloves of garlic and eat this every day for the desired results.

This root is only second to garlic when it comes to its aphrodisiac properties. Known to increase  libido and strengthen reproductive organs, onions are great to
help with a good erection in those suffering from erectile dysfunction.the white variety has been found to be most beneficial.
How to use it: Eat raw white onions as a part of your meal. You can choose to have it added to your salad or simply eat it. 


 carrots are known to enhance sexual stamina. A perfect remedy for those suffering from fatigue or premature ejaculation, carrots when combined with eggs make the perfect recipe for a great sexual experience.
How to use it: Take 150g of carrot and chop it finely. Now add it to a half-boiled egg. Add some honey to this mix. Have this once a day for a month or two for promising results.

4.Lady’s finger: 
While the vegetable itself is extremely beneficial for your health, it is the roots that help with sexual disorders. According to Ayurvedic literature, the roots of the lady’s finger plant are great for those who have lost their sexual vigour.
How to use it: Take five to ten grams of the root powder and add it to a glass of milk. To this add a little bit of mishri or crystalline sugar. Drink this mixture on a daily basis for good results.

5.Asparagus root:
 Also known as Shatavariand marketed as safed museli, this vegetable is a great remedy for sexual disorders. The dried root is a common medicine used by maney doctors to treat a number of sexual dysfunctions, including the lack of sexual vigour, impotency and premature ejaculation.
How to use it: Take about fifteen grams of the root powder and boil it in a glass of milk. Drink this decoction twice a day for effective results.

A vegetable that is commonly added to sambaar and other Indian dishes, this long spindly vegetable is a very potent aphrodisiac and has been used by Ayurvedic and Unani doctors to treat sexual dysfunctions. The vegetable itself is known to relieve the symptoms of functional sterility in both males and females. Apart from that the dried bark of the tree is also very useful in the treatment of conditions like impotency, premature ejaculation and lack of motility of sperm.
How to use it: Drumstick: Take about 15g of the drumstick flower and boil it in about 250ml of milk.

7.Drumstick tree bark: 
Powder the dry bark and add about 120g of this powder to about half a liter of water and bring it to a boil. Let the mixture boil for about half an hour. You can mix a glass of this water with a tablespoon of honey and have it three times a day for a period of three months.

a root that not only adds to the tanginess of a dish, ginger is also a very potent aphrodisiac. The juice of ginger is said to help in relieving the symptoms of conditions such as impotency, premature ejaculation and spermatorrhea. 
How to use it: Take half a spoonful of ginger juice and have it with one half-boiled egg and some honey and have this once everyday, just before bed.

9.Dried dates:
 Dates are known to help increase iron content in the body and have very high nutritional value. They are also very effective in providing that extra boost of energy, that one needs for sexual vigour.
How to use it: Take some dried dates, mix it with almonds and pistachio nuts. Grind all three ingredients and eat about 100g of this mixture once daily.

These sweet fruits are also very good in improving one’s sexual vigour. Due to its sugar content, raisins are also very good at providing extra energy to the person eating them.
How to use it: Boil the raisins in milk till they become swollen. Now start by eating 200g on a daily basis and increase the amount you eat gradually.

11.fennel seed:

How to use:take an one teaspoon fennel seeds and chewing with wate at least 3 weeks. This is effective increase sex desire. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Black cummin protect maney cancer

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Many people used black cumin seeds to treat headaches and toothaches. Mohammed said that black cumin cures every disease but death itself. The reason might be found in the complex chemical structure of the seeds. These little seeds have over one hundred different chemical constituents, including abundant sources of all the essential fatty acids. Though it is the oil that is most often used medicinally, the seeds are a bit spicy and are often used whole in cooking—curries, pastries, and Mediterranean cheeses.
  • Nigella sativa seeds have very little aroma but are carminative, meaning they tend to aid digestion and relieve gases in the stomach and intestines. They aid peristalsis and elimination. The essential oil of black cumin is antimicrobial and helps to rid the intestines of worms.

Here are several health benefit of black cummin seed (kala jeera) given bellow:

  • 1. Type 2 diabetes: –

  •  Researchers found that just two grams daily of black seed could result in reduced fasting blood sugar levels, along with decreased insulin resistance, and increased beta-cell function in the pancreas.

  • 2. Epilepsy: –  

  • Published inMedical Science Monitorone study found black seed to be effective at reducing the frequency of seizures in children who resisted conventional treatment. Black seed indeed has anti-convulsive properties.

  • 3. Colon Cancer :– 

  • In cell studies, black seed has been found to have anti-cancer properties, inhibiting the growth of colon cancer cells specifically. In one animal study, the seed was able to fight colon cancer in rats successfully with no observable side effects. The same obviously can’t be said for conventional cancer treatments. 

  • 4.Protection Against Heart Attack Damage: –

  •  An extract from black seed has been shown to possess heart-protective qualities, dampening damages associated with heart attacks and boosting overall heart health.

  • 5. Breast Cancer :– 

  • A few studies have linked a thymoquinone extract from nigella sativa to reduced breast cancer tumor growth and increased apoptosis(cell death) in breast cancer cells.

  • 6.protect Brain Cancer :– 

  • A study published in the online journalPLoS One indicates thymoquinone from black seed can induce cell death in glioblastoma cells. Glioblastoma is one of the most aggressive brain tumors of all.

  • 7.Leukemia: – 

  • As it’s been shown to do with other types of cancer, black seed compound thymoquinone has also been shown to induce apoptosis in leukemia cells.

  • 8.  save from Brain Damage: – 

  • 9. Oral Cancer: –

  •  Research indicates thymoquinone from nigella sativa is able to induce cell apoptosis in oral cancer cells.
These ten benefits of nigella sativa are truly only the tip of the iceberg. Mounting evidence indicates this seed is a powerful healer. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this article where we’ll add to the list of benefits. 

10.Liver cancer:-

Black cummin seed  was effective in treating liver cancer in rats (R).
Black Cumin oil (Thymoquinone) may be a useful in treating cancer caused by chemicals and toxicity in liver cancer (R).

11.Bladder cancer:-

Black Cumin oil  has anti-tumor effects on bladder cancer. 

12.Cervical cancer

Black Cumin seed (Thymoquinone) appears to be toxic towards cervical squamous carcinoma cells (SiHA). 

13.Bone cancer:-

Black Cumin seed (Thymoquinone) shows effective anti tumor and anti-angiogenic activity in osteosarcoma (R).

14.Breast cancer:-

Black Cumin seed (Thymoquinone) may have potential implication inbreast cancer prevention and treatment (R).
Black Cumin oil showed a protective role in mammary carcinoma (R).

15.Stomach cancer:-

Black Cumin seed (Thymoquinone) induces killing of stomach cancer cells (R).

16.Black Seed Can Protect Against Heart Disease:-

Black Cumin seed given to rats was able to improve the recovery of heart tissue following injury. 
The seeds may be beneficial in the treatment of high cholesterol.
Seed powder administered to people with high cholesterol was found to reduce the total cholesterol and triglycerides (R).
Daily use of seed extract for 2 months may lower blood pressure in patients with mild Hypertension (HT) (R).
Black Cumin seed (Thymoquinone) reduced hardening of the arteries from high cholesterol (R).

17. Black Cumin Seed Increases Testosterone :-

Black Cumin seed extract has been noted to increase testosterone concentrations following oral ingestion. 

Rats given seed oil failed to significantly increase testosterone. 

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Best home remedy of onion

Onions are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that while they are low in calories they are high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. One cup of chopped onion contains approximately 64 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol, 3 grams of fiber, 7 grams of sugar, 2 grams of protein and 10% or more of the daily value for vitamin C, vitamin B-6 and manganese. Onions also contain small amounts of calcium, iron, folate, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and the antioxidants quercetin and sulfur. Here are some benefit given bellow:

 1.Hair Growth:-

 Onion juice is effective in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. The sulfur in onions helps promote blood circulation to the scalp and boosts production of collagen necessary for new hair growth. raw onion to promote hair growth A 2002 study published in the Journal of Dermatology found that people suffering from alopecia areata saw significant hair regrowth after applying onion juice to their scalp twice daily for two months. Extract the juice of 1 onion. Mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 or 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Massage it into your scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on overnight or at least for 1 hour. Rinse your hair with water, then shampoo as usual. Repeat this treatment 2 or 3 times a week until you get the desired result.

 2. Regulates Blood Sugar:-

 Onions are good for people who have diabetes. The sulfur compound called allyl propyl disulfide in onions helps increase insulin production and lower blood glucose levels in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Furthermore, onion juice contains trace amounts of chromium, which helps improve the body’s glucose tolerance level. the Journal of Medicinal Food confirmed the antidiabetic effect of onions in diabetic rats. Onion extracts were found to be effective for lowering plasma glucose concentrations and body weight. Diabetic people should include red onions regularly in their diet.

 3. Prevents Cancer:-

 Onions are found to have beneficial and preventive effects on various cancers, such as lung, ovarian, stomach, bladder, breast, colorectal, prostate, oral, liver and brain cancer. The phenolic and flavonoid content of onions with antioxidant activities help fight cancer cells. the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows a positive connection between the frequency of use of allium vegetables (onion and garlic) and reduced risk of several common cancers. If you are at a higher risk of cancer, eat at least 1 onion daily.

 4. Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease:-

 Regular onion intake can reduce your risk of conditions like arterial hardening, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes. The quercetin found in onions has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are good for your heart health. the American Society for Nutrition shows that quercetin helps reduce blood pressure in hypertensive subjects. Onions even help prevent cholesterol accumulation that contributes to clogging and hardening of the arteries. Start eating onions to boost your heart health.

 5. Builds Strong Immunity:- D

ue to their polyphenol content, onions can help boost your immunity by protecting your body against free radicals. Plus, onions contain a trace mineral selenium that helps improve immunity by initiating immune response and also preventing excessive immune response. Furthermore, consuming onions may help reduce allergic reactions in your body by stopping the production of histamine. Its antimicrobial properties also help prevent infections. Decreased immune function during radiation treatment for cancer is common, but with intake of quercetin-rich foods, you can give a boost to your immunity. Nutrition Research and Practice found that quercetin increased immune function, relieved inflammation and enhanced nutritional status in irradiated mice.

 6. Improve Bone Density:-

 Onions help slow the progression of bone loss, making them a very effective natural solution for aging women who are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. The peptide called GPCS in onions has the bone-helping potential. Furthermore, the high sulfur content provides direct benefits to connective tissue. A 2009 study published in Menopause found that daily intake of onions improved bone density in women who were going through or finished menopause as compared to those who never ate onions. Also, researchers found that it helped lower the risk of hip fractures in women by 20 percent.

 7.Boost sex immunity:-

 Eat raw onion with honeny before going to bed sleep at night. u can eat with meals or as a salad.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Home remedy for glowing skin

Here are the top 10 ways to get clear skin at home.

1. Lemon.                  

 lemon is one of the best ingredients that you can use to promote clear skin. The citric acid present in lemon helps keep the skin clear by removing dead cells, and its vitamin C content helps reduce dark spots by increasing the cell renewal process. Lemon also has bleaching properties that will help improve your overall skin complexion.

Apply fresh-squeezed lemon juice to your entire face and neck. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. After this, rub cucumber slices on your skin to soften and moisturize it. Do this daily or every other day.
Another option is squeeze the juice of one-half lemon and mix one to two tablespoons of raw honey in it. Apply it on your face, leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
To exfoliate your skin, mix two teaspoons each of lemon juice and sugar. Apply the mixture on your face, neck and hands. Scrub in a circular motion and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy once a week to enjoy glowing skin.

2. Turmeric

 turmeric is an excellent antiseptic and skin-lightening agent that helps minimize scars and other marks. Plus, turmeric can alleviate allergic, inflammatory and infectious skin disorders that make your skin look dull and lifeless.

Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with enough pineapple juice to make a paste. Apply the paste to your face and neck. Leave it on until the paste dries completely. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy two or three times a week to reduce the appearance of spots on skin.
Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of turmeric powder and gram flour with a little water or milk. Apply it evenly on your skin and leave it on until it dries. Wash it off with lukewarm water, scrubbing your skin gently in a circular motion. Follow this remedy once a week to lighten your skin tone and remove scars.

3. Honey:-

To enjoy clear skin, your need to keep your skin well moisturized.  honey is a great moisturizer and also has antibacterial properties that help ward off infection.

Apply raw honey directly on your skin. Let it dry naturally and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. The water content in honey will deeply moisturize the skin, making it soft and supple. Do this simple remedy once daily or every other day.
Alternatively, mix two teaspoons of milk and one teaspoon of honey. Then add one teaspoon of gram flour and mix it in well. Apply it all over your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Use this face mask once a week to enjoy radiant and clear skin.

4. Aloe Vera:-

alovera has many benefits for the skin. It has antibacterial properties that help kill bacteria that cause acne, anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe irritated skin, and astringent properties that help heal scars. Plus, aloe vera moisturizes the skin and stimulates new skin cell growth.

Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf.
Apply the gel on your face using a cotton ball.
Allow it to dry on its own for about half an hour, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Follow this remedy daily or several times per week.

5. Baking Soda:-

Baking soda balances pH levels of the skin, which is very important to maintain clear skin. Plus, its mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties help deal with problems like acne, pimples and spots. It also works as an excellent exfoliating agent to keep the skin free from dirt, impurities and dead skin cells.

Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of water or lemon juice to make a paste. Cleanse your face and use the paste to gently exfoliate the skin. Finally rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat it dry with a towel. Follow this remedy two or three times a week.
Alternatively, mix one teaspoon each of baking soda and raw honey. Apply this mixture onto damp skin and massage gently for just one minute. Then wash with lukewarm water. Finally,

Monday, December 19, 2016

Amazing health benefit of clove

Health Benefits of Cloves

  Best Digestion: -

clove improve digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes. Cloves are also good for reducing flatulence, gastric irritability, dyspepsia and nausea. Cloves can be roasted, powdered, and taken with honey for relief in digestive disorders.

Antibacterial Properties: -

 It have been tested for their antibacterial properties against a number of human pathogens. The extracts of cloves were potent enough to kill those pathogens. Clove extracts are also effective against the specific bacteria that spreads cholera. 

Chemo-Preventive Properties: -

Cloves are of interest to the medical community due to their chemo-preventive or anti-carcinogenic properties. Tests have showed that cloves are helpful in controlling lung cancer in its early stages.

 Liver Protection: -

Cloves contain high amounts of antioxidants, which are ideal for protecting the organs from the effects of free radicals, especially the liver. Metabolism, in the long run, increases free radical production and lipid profile, while decreasing the antioxidants in the liver. Clove extracts are helpful in counteracting those effects with its hepatoprotective properties.

Diabetes Control: -

Cloves have been used in many traditional remedies for a number of diseases. One such disease is diabetes. In patients suffering from diabetes , the amount of insulin produced by the body is not sufficient or insulin is not produced at all. Studies have revealed that extracts from cloves imitate insulin in certain ways and help in controlling blood sugar levels.

Bone Preservation: -

The hydro-alcoholic extracts of cloves include phenolic compounds such as eugenol and its derivatives, such as flavones, isoflavones and flavonoids. These extracts have been particularly helpful in preserving bone density and the mineral content of bone, as well as increasing tensile strength of bones in cases of osteoporosis.

 Anti-Mutagenic Properties:-

     Mutagens are those chemicals that change the genetic makeup of the DNA by causing mutations. Biochemical compounds found in cloves, like phenylpropanoids, possess anti-mutagenic properties. These were administered on cells treated with mutagens and they were able to control the mutagenic effects to a significant rate.

 Boosts the Immune System: -

Ayurveda describes certain plants to be effective in developing and protecting the immune system. One such plant is clove. The dried flower bud of clove contains compounds that help in improving the immune system by increasing the white blood cell count, thereby improving delayed type hypersensitivity.

 Anti-Inflammatory Properties: -

Cloves possess anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties. Studies on clove extracts being administered in lab rats suggest that the presence of eugenol reduced the inflammation caused by edema. It was also confirmed that eugenol has the ability to reduce pain by stimulating pain receptors.

 Cure for Oral Diseases:-

    Cloves can be taken for gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Clove bud extracts significantly controlled the growth of oral pathogens, which are responsible for various oral diseases. Cloves can also be used for toothaches due to their pain-killing properties.

 Aphrodisiac Properties:-

   Spices such as clove and nutmeg have been said to possess aphrodisiac properties, according to Unani medicine. Experiments on clove and nutmeg extracts were tested against standard drugs administered for that reason and both clove and nutmeg showed positive results.

Cure for Headaches: -

Headaches can be reduced by using cloves. Make a paste of a few cloves and mix it with a dash of rock salt. Add this to a glass of milk. This mixture reduces headaches quickly and effectively.

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